
Tomorrow I have a follow-up with my wls office. I'll see my wonderful, amazing, lovely PA Erica. I absolutely adore her. She is caring and personable. During the battle for my revision with the insurance company, she kept me sane. She participated in my lap band procedure, most of my 30+ Lap Band fills, my revision surgery, and my gall bladder removal. I think so highly of her that for some time I considered that I'd love to go back to school to become a PA.... She truly inspires me. That dream was short lived, when I remembered all of my student loans, but if I ever win the lottery, I could follow through. I'd love to be the light in a sometimes otherwise difficult spot for other patients as she has been for me.

So needless to say, I'm pretty excited to see her tomorrow. I'm excited to share my progress with her. Nope, not at the goal number, but yes- I'm at the goal. Goal: mother. Goal: healthier. Goal: happy.

I'm including a recent photo that I snapped over the weekend. I hardly even recognize myself.

My weight loss journey as a Momma

There once was a time that I needed my blog to maintain my sanity.  I blogged every day sometimes.  Now, I can hardly find time or inspiration to write.

A part of it is that the weight loss stuff is great.  Am I at my goal weight? No.  Do I care? No.

I'm healthy and happy and that is more important than a number on a scale or the size in my jeans.  I have energy and I think I look good anyway, what others thing shouldn't matter should it?  I feel like I'm in the realm of "normal" for the first time in my adult life.  I still qualify as 'plus size' but what does that label mean anyway?

I can't promise I'll be here often, but I had something I want to put out there for any of you who are on the weight loss journey to become moms one day.  YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT SACRIFICING YOUR GOALS!  I'm 34 pounds lighter than I was the day I found out I was pregnant exactly one year ago this week.  I have a happy healthy baby boy and everything I ever wanted from this weight loss surgery.  Don't give up your dreams because you see other mommas struggling.  We each have a different journey and it's completely worth it.


Happy 2016!

I hope you all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed all of the food and family associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year and you're now getting yourselves back on track!

I had an amazing holiday season with my new family and somehow managed to not gain any weight.  I didn't lose any weight either though and I'm okay with that.  I am still pretty apathetic about my weight.  I'm not at my goal weight but I feel good, healthy and I am comfortable in my skin.  What more could I ask for?

Sure... I could ask to be a size 6, but how would that really make things better?  I don't really think it would.  I'm happy with my current weight and at this point, any more loss is just extra and a cherry on top!

I say all of that, however I did join a DietBet again.  I was really successful last time at losing weight at winning money ($292!!!) so I thought it would be a good way to keep myself on track and keep me from gaining.  I have to focus on losing to keep from gaining... I think if I ever got to goal, maintaining would be the hardest thing ever.

Anyway, I'm about 30# from the number goal that I always said I'd like to be at, but as far as life and non-scale victories, I'm right where I wanted to be.

After all, I had this surgery to be healthy (check) and to someday be able to be a mom (check!).  I won't get greedy, but I'll keep working hard.
Our first Thanksgiving (above)

Our first Christmas (below)

My sweet happy boy <3