I'm expecting

This will be posted for 24 hours.  Then it will be taken down for a while, until I have grown the lady balls to tell the appropriate people... like my dad.

You all may wonder why lately it's been so important that Mr. Banker meet my parents and why the sudden trip to Rhode Island to meet his parents.  Well... we're expecting a baby in November.  I've kept it a secret now for 12 weeks and I just can't any longer.

That's why I'm worried about weight gain.  That's why I recently wrote that I've had bigger things to worry about than the scale.  So there it is.  And it will be posted for all to see on this beautiful Monday, until I take it down.

We are excited, and nervous- as I think most new parents-to-be are.  But things have never been better between us and he has been amazingly supportive.  I knew our surprise was going to be a make-it or break it type moment for us, and it seems that we are making it- so far anyway.

Talk about an NSV... I beat PCOS.  I beat the doctor who said I would never conceive naturally.  I beat my greatest fear that I could not become a mother without another woman giving that to me (either through surrogacy or adoption).

Please keep us in your thoughts, and prayers (if you pray).

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